Posts tagged poetry
I See You On Facebook. I Know Everything is Good With You.

I see you on Facebook.

I see your smiles.

I see your cute memes.

I see your highs.

I know everything is good with you.

I don’t need to see your diary entries.

I don’t need to know more than a post,

because you post every day.

What else could you have to say?

But that is only a fraction of me.

I am more than you see.

I have fears.

I have tears.

I have parts of me that I don’t want you to see.

I have shadows like you.

I have a past I try to undo.

I don’t have it all figured out.

I yell. I shout.

I have parts I don’t talk about.

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People No Longer

People can no longer count their own steps so they have watches to do that for them.

People no longer have the patience to be healed by healers so they purchase their own healing machines.

People can no longer keep track of their objects so they have apps to find their phones.

People can no longer be responsible for their time so their phone tracks their productivity.

People no longer have patience to research when they can ask Siri.

People can no longer be bothered to cook so they microwave the nutrition out of their food.

Or eat food out of cans,


Or cardboard.

No more do people share wisdom, but articles from Google.

No more do people call, but send texts and emojis.

No more do people wake up to birds chirping or a rooster crowing or the sunlight streaming in, but to an alarm sounding.

People use their voices to turn on music instead of their fingers.

People rely on voice commands to guide their way instead of their inner compass or a well illustrated map.

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