What Does A Holistic Perspective On Childbirth Mean?

What Does A Holistic Perspective On Childbirth Mean?


Hi Lovely Ladies!

As I mentioned in my first blog post, this blog is based on my new book about childbirth around the world which focuses on childbirth around the world from a holistic perspective.

What does a holistic perspective mean?

Great question!

A holistic experience takes into account the mind, body, and spirit of the individual and the full story. That means that my book is not about only the act of childbirth (that one specific moment) around the world, but how childbirth affects mothers physically, as well as, emotionally, and the full story from discovering they were pregnant, to the 9 months of pregnancy, to the actual labor experience, to the postpartum period being a new mom. I am curious about the full journey!

I interviewed over 60 mothers and experts around the world about their childbirth experiences. I was interested in not only how childbirth affects mothers, but how it affects mothers holistically in different parts of the world.

I learned so much writing this book! In this blog, I will be introducing the courageous women that I interviewed (their candor blew me away!). Mothers from Canada, the United Kingdom (Ireland, Scotland, and England), the United States, France, Spain, Austria, Australia, Germany, Peru, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Israel, the Netherlands, India, Japan, and Uganda will be sharing their advice and tips and I will be presenting facts from my research as well as introducing many topics regarding childbirth.

As I mentioned, I learned A LOT through my research and I know you are going to learn a lot too. Childbirth is not the same all throughout the world, but interestingly the emotions women feel are universal.

I can’t wait to share more with you!

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Let’s begin the conversation! Where are you from? Which country did you give birth in? Which country are you most interested in learning about? Comment below.