How To Be Supported During Childbirth

How To Be Supported During Childbirth


Are you a new mother? Are you familiar with all the birth professionals who assist mothers during labor? If you are planning to give birth it is very important that you are aware of your options so that you can pick what is best for you. Keep in mind, every country does not have the same options. There are birth attendants, doulas, midwives, and OBGYNS. In some countries, midwives deliver most of the babies (such as in Europe, Australia, and African countries) and OBGYNS only deliver babies if there is an emergency which requires surgery. In other countries, (such as the U.S.) OBGYNs are considered more prestigious than midwives. But in truth, OBGYNs are not more prestigious, but are more common in the United States. While in other countries (such as Kazakhstan) women are still not allowed to have their husbands or birth attendants present during the birth of their child or doulas present (such as in public hospitals in Peru) .

Here is a quick breakdown of the various support, women can have during labor:

A birth partner is a person, man or woman, who has deep, intimate knowledge of childbirth (such as through a childbirth education class) to support a woman’s needs during labor. This person may be a spouse, boyfriend, partner, or even a friend or a family member. A birth partner provides emotional, physical, and spiritual assistance through love, attention, encouragement, positivity, and being active, and present.

A doula is a labor professional. To reiterate, there are doulas who assist during pregnancy (such as with massages, yoga, and education) and afterwards (helping to take care of the mothers and babies); often times birth doulas and pregnancy and postpartum doulas are separate people. Most women elect a doula to assist them during labor since they believe that is the time they will require the most support. Doulas have undergone training to coach women through contractions, a safe birth, help reduce the pain, and most importantly, are a health advocate for the women. During labor, women are very vulnerable and there may be a time when women are not able to talk or think clearly, so a doula will be their voice to express their wishes to their doctor or midwife. A doula will be clear of the mother’s birth plan and stand up for her rights. Doulas also hold space, offer emotional support, and run errands if need be.

A midwife is a birth professional with professional knowledge of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum health for the baby and mother. She carefully oversees and cares for the health of the mother and baby. She meets with the mother for check-ups during pregnancy; she delivers the baby and the placenta, and she cares for the baby directly after birth. She has vast medical knowledge and is responsible for ensuring a safe birth experience. Midwives work in hospitals and do home births.

An OBGYN is a doctor trained in female reproductive health: gynecology and obstetrics. In many countries, an OGBYN is considered an emergency professional, but again in the U.S. OBGYNs deliver most births regardless of whether it is an emergency or not. OBGYNs used to be primarily male-dominated, but now they are mostly women in most countries. These doctors oversee high risks pregnancies and births, as well as, perform medical interventions and surgeries such as c-sections. OBGYNs work exclusively at hospitals.

Before you give birth, it is important for you to decide how you would like to give birth and who you would like to support you. It is possible for you to work with more than one birth professional. For example, it is possible to have a midwife and a doula or to have a birthing partner and an OBGYN. It is even possible to have your spouse, a doula, and work with an OBGYN and it’s even possible to work with a midwife and in the case of emergency change to an OBGYN.

If you would like to have your partner, friend or family member be your birth partner, it is important to take a childbirth education class such as a Bradley class together during your pregnancy. If you decide to work with a doula, midwife, or OBGYN, it is important that you research them, meet with them, and pick the one that feels right to support you. Go with your gut!

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