Posts tagged overwhelm during lockdown
Easy Ways for Moms To Beat Overwhelm

Hi Ladies!

It seems that everyone who I have been connecting with lately is feeling overwhelm and it seems that moms who are about to give birth even if it’s not their first birth are experiencing a new kind of overwhelm. Many places in the world are still not allowing husbands into the delivery room due to the Coronavirus, many are afraid of contracting the Coronavirus at the hospital, and one woman I know is overwhelmed because she is not allowed off the military base and she doesn’t want to give birth in a military hospital again.

What do we do to release this overwhelm that we are feeling?

Yesterday, in my private Facebook Group, Empowered Joyful Empaths, I discussed this topic and let everyone know that they are not alone if they are feeling overwhelm. I also provided some coping skills to help at this time. You can watch the video in the group or read some of my suggestions here.

Try these coping skills. Pick the ones that are best for you. You do not need to practice all of them.

  1. Meditate. (This can be listening to music, breathing deeply or following a recorded creative visualization.)

  2. Spend time in nature. (Soak up the sun. Be surrounded by green and peace. Let nature support you.)

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