Easy Ways for Moms To Beat Overwhelm
Easy Ways for Moms To Beat Overwhelm
Hi Ladies!
It seems that everyone who I have been connecting with lately is feeling overwhelm and it seems that moms who are about to give birth, even if it’s not their first birth, are experiencing a new kind of overwhelm. Many places in the world are still not allowing husbands into the delivery room due to the Coronavirus, many are afraid of contracting the Coronavirus at the hospital, and one woman I know, is overwhelmed because she is not allowed off the military base and she doesn’t want to give birth in a military hospital again.
What do we do to release this overwhelm that we are feeling?
Yesterday, in my private Facebook Group, Empowered Joyful Empaths, I discussed this topic and let everyone know that they are not alone if they are feeling overwhelm. I also provided some coping skills to help at this time. You can watch the video in the group or read some of my suggestions here.
Try these coping skills. Pick the ones that are best for you. You do not need to practice all of them.
Meditate. (This can be listening to music, breathing deeply or following a recorded creative visualization.)
Spend time in nature. (Soak up the sun. Be surrounded by green and peace. Let nature support you.)
Consciously slow down. Maybe have a cup of tea and slowly drink it instead of multi-tasking, really savor the cup and have gratitude for the precious moment. Consciously go slower instead of being ultra-productive. Sit in silence.
Journal out your thoughts or speak them into a recorder to release your anxiety and heavy emotions
Repeat positive I am affirmations.
Breathe deeply. (Be conscious if your breath is shallow or if there is tension in your body and keep breathing deeply until the tension releases. You can even do this lying down on the floor or bed.)
Reduce the negativity you are exposed to: stop watching the news, spend less time on social media, etc.
Prioritize. Does everything need to be done today?
Have fun. Be silly.
If you are pregnant and are close to your due date and you are feeling overwhelmed and fearful about the current conditions at the hospital or the lack of emotional support if you are not permitted to have your partner or your doula present, consider these options:
1) Talk with a therapist virtually to express your fear,
2) Talk with a close friend for emotional support and a fresh perspective,
3) Work with a healer to release tension, fears, and to see everything from a higher perspective,
4) Be flexible; be open to other options (Many women who would have otherwise delivered at the hospital have decided to have a home birth at this time. Of course, if you have pre-existing conditions, this is not possible, but you can try to be at home as long as possible),
5) Consider working with a doula virtually. Doulas are now providing virtual support. They can guide you through creative visualizations, breathe with you during labor, offer emotional support, and advise you. Virtual doula services are greatly recommended at this time if they are not permitted in the hospital. As long as you have a smart phone or tablet, you will have connection to them.
Self-care and a healthy mindset are so important. Prioritize it.
I hope these tips helped you. Pick the ones that resonate with you. If you are are still experiencing a lot of overwhelm, even after trying these tips, please reach out to me for a 1:1 virtual healing session. Click here to reach out to me about my services.
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