Posts tagged trust
Pull Back The Curtain, The Truth Is Being Revealed

In 2016, I went to Peru and I had a big spiritual awakening. Since I was 20, I had wanted to go to South America, but everyone told me it was dangerous for an American woman to travel there alone, so I didn’t. In 2016 I finally got the courage to go. I went to Lake Titicaca one of the powerful spiritual vortexes of the world. I was so sick at Lake Titicaca. It is the highest elevation lake in the world and I had terrible altitude sickness and food poisoning at the same time. I almost died. (I will share more about this story in another post.) Once I got better and was able to return home, I was not the same. It wasn’t anything I did in Peru, but it was Peru that changed me. It was after that trip that I decided to move from Los Angeles back to my hometown in Connecticut. I had been in LA for about a year pursuing my acting, comedy, and modeling career (it was going so well!) and suddenly it was no longer the place for me, not because of a decision, but because energetically it was no longer right for me. I couldn’t get myself to go back. My near death experience changed me. That was when I moved to CT and my focus became holistic health and wellness.

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Are You A High-Vibe Attractor?

Many of us know about the law of attraction; it is a common theme that is talked about in spiritual circles. But many of us become disillusioned after they watch The Secret and "it doesn't work."

Why don't the principles work for some people?

The concepts are easy. 1) Ask 2) Believe and 3) Receive.

1) Clearly state your intention. What is it want to manifest?

2) Believe with all of your heart that you will achieve it. Visualize it. Feel it. Trust.

3) Receive it when it comes, flows to you.

So if it's that easy, why doesn't it work for everyone? Why are some people still struggling to achieve their dreams?

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