Posts in Spirituality
Who Is The Woman Behind The Dancing Curtain?

Recently, I had a conversation with someone who had been a client of mine many years ago. I quickly realized that she didn't understand what my focus was. She thought that I was only helping women with issues related to childbirth. This made me realize that there may be some confusion and with so many new people on my list, I thought this would be a good time to clarify who I am.

Who is the woman behind The Dancing Curtain?

I am a holistic health expert, writer, and speaker who advocates for women's health and wellness. With over 20 years as a researcher and over 18 years as a holistic health expert, I have empowered women to heal their chronic conditions, illnesses, and trauma using a holistic approach by deciphering the root cause, and treat using a mind/body/spirit approach, natural recommendations and the natural, sacred medicine of the Earth. My specialty is not only returning women to phenomenal health but to joy.

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A Glimpse Into My Past

Many people love to look at old pictures when they were younger,

“The good old days…”

But I don’t like to look at pictures of myself when I was sick with my 15-year illness.

At the time, I may have been able to hide that I was sick from others who didn’t know me.

I had a lot of shame for being sick for so long.

Some of my friends on social media may never have known me when I was sick.

They may have never seen me sick.

They may think that I have always been so happy, healthy, and vibrant.

I look at this picture and I don’t recognize myself.

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Fill Up Your Heart With Self-Love

Hi Everyone!

I was inspired to create a self-love series.

I used to dread Valentine’s Day. I used to feel bad that I was not in a romantic relationship. I used to feel sad on that day. But just like we can set goals and intentions every day, we don’t have to wait until New Years; we can fill ourselves up with love every day, we don’t have to wait for someone to love us. So last year I filled myself up with so much love. I meditated. I spent time outside in my hammock and going for walks. I exercised. I read. I took baths. I listened to inspirational podcasts. I studied numerology and astrology. I did shadow work. I wrote gratitude lists and I healed myself.

Last Friday, I started Fill Up Your Heart: Self-Love Series on Facebook. I decided to broadcast it on my business FB page, The Dancing Curtain and in my private FB group for empaths and creatives who wish to live an extraordinary life. Click here to join the private group. The series has just begun! I wanted to start it before Valentine’s Day to help support those who are single or broken-hearted but it continues until February 26. I wanted to make the series long enough so that people really felt that their hearts are filled up with love. Watch the replays on the pages and invite a friend.

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The Best Gifts Of All Are The Ones That Make You Feel Good

When I was sick with my chronic illness, I didn't have the knowledge I have today. It was through trial and error that I learned the importance of not only choosing the right supplements, but high quality supplements. It was through time and research that I Iearned that what we put on our bodies is as important as what we put in our bodies. Our body is the largest organ we have and it absorbs everything we put on our skin. Everything we put on our bodies and in our bodies and around our bodies contributes to either good health or poor health.

I have so much empathy for those who are struggling with a chronic illness. I know that they often don't have the energy to research and understand what is best for them.

But I do know that if you purchase gifts for your loved ones that help them to feel good, they will treasure those gifts for a long time and appreciate you.

Here are some of my favorites:

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How To Stay Inspired When You’re Not

It's almost time for Thanksgiving. Are you excited? Thanksgiving will not be the same this year. Many of us will not be with our complete families. Many of us have lost loved ones this year. Many of us have lost jobs or revenue. Many of us are feeling scared and uncertain about the future. Many of us have been working hard all year and need a break and have lost our vigor to keep going or to be motivated or inspired.

If that is you, you are not alone. I was feeling that way recently. I lost my vigor and I am normally a very optimistic and ambitious person. But sometimes life gets overwhelming or we don't see the fruits of all of our work; we just see the obstacles and more to do. We wonder why we work so hard. Isn't life supposed to be joyful?

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Peruvian Dark Night Of The Soul

Last fall, I went to Peru for a little over two months. When I arrived a white feather suddenly appeared letting me know my angels were with me. Later on, I went to a café and as I exited, I saw a large black feather at the doorstep. Excitedly, I picked it up knowing it was a sign, a big sign. But somehow at the time, I couldn’t remember what a black feather meant.

Many people assumed that since I was away for two months that I had the time of my life, that I went on a big adventure, but in fact I had a spiritual awakening.

During my trip, I collected lots of black feathers. They were everywhere. I had never seen so many black feathers. They were from the vultures that flew above the city. To be honest, I never felt that safe in the city. The crime had gone up a lot since I was there in 2016. It took me a long time to travel to South America alone because I was always worried about the crime. Many people warned me it was not as safe as in the U.S. or Europe and not to travel alone there. But since I was twenty, I wanted to go.

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Have You Ever Felt Judgment From A Spiritual Teacher?

Many years ago, when I lived in Connecticut and had a debilitating chronic illness, I attended a gentle yoga class. I enrolled in the class for relaxation and socializing. The teacher said that the class was intended to be slow and gentle unlike many yoga classes which were competitive, high-energy, and athletic. I had chronic fatigue and no stamina, so slow and gentle was definitely my speed plus this class was spiritual, so she seemed to be the right teacher for me at the time to try to muddle through my chronic illness. But even though she seemed spiritual, I was surprised to see that she was judgmental. On one instance, during her yoga class, I’ll never forget it, she asked us to do a pose which I wasn’t able to do. She asked us to thread our fingers through our toes and I just couldn’t do it. She looked at me, shook her head, and started laughing. It would’ve been different if I was laughing and making fun of myself, but I couldn’t do it. I was frustrated. It was preposterous to me and she just looked at me and laughed.

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Pull Back The Curtain, The Truth Is Being Revealed

In 2016, I went to Peru and I had a big spiritual awakening. Since I was 20, I had wanted to go to South America, but everyone told me it was dangerous for an American woman to travel there alone, so I didn’t. In 2016 I finally got the courage to go. I went to Lake Titicaca one of the powerful spiritual vortexes of the world. I was so sick at Lake Titicaca. It is the highest elevation lake in the world and I had terrible altitude sickness and food poisoning at the same time. I almost died. (I will share more about this story in another post.) Once I got better and was able to return home, I was not the same. It wasn’t anything I did in Peru, but it was Peru that changed me. It was after that trip that I decided to move from Los Angeles back to my hometown in Connecticut. I had been in LA for about a year pursuing my acting, comedy, and modeling career (it was going so well!) and suddenly it was no longer the place for me, not because of a decision, but because energetically it was no longer right for me. I couldn’t get myself to go back. My near death experience changed me. That was when I moved to CT and my focus became holistic health and wellness.

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They Say It's Like Giving Birth!

Being in lockdown has been like a Master Class in learning about myself. I am questioning everything: my career, my life purpose, my relationships, health, and so much more! I have been triggered and so many emotions have been coming up. It has forced me to take a hard look at my life and what is working and what is not, to truly understand why things that I have wanted for so long are not manifesting and what I need to finally change.

The good news is that after much thought, I have clarity! My soul purpose is to be a writer and an international transformational speaker. But writing a book is hard. As many people say, "It's a lot like giving birth!" You have to put all of your focus on it and give it all you've got.

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Pamper The Ones You Love

Have you been pampering yourself? It's hard to believe that it's almost Mother's Day. It's just 2 1/2 weeks away!

Since it is taking a bit longer to receive items in the mail, I wanted to send you the reminder that it's now time to think about sending Mother's Day gifts to your mother, your daughter if she is a mother, or a gift to yourself if you are a mother. Since money is tight for many, I wanted to recommend this wonderful Canadian company called Body Cherish, that I just discovered last year. Not only will you receive fabulous, healthy, beauty products, but with the American dollar being stronger than the Canadian dollar you will get bang for your buck.

I am a big supporter of liver detoxification and holistic health and wellness (mind, body, and spirit). Unfortunately many body care products contain toxins, harmful chemicals, and harsh preservatives which may contribute to poor health, illness, even reproductive problems for women. Luckily, Body Cherish is conscious of this and only uses high-quality healthy, organic bodycare ingredients. These products make you feel beautiful, healthy, and pampered!

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Reflecting Back On A Decade

It was a BIG decade for me! I didn’t realize so many big things happened!

In 2010, I finally overcame my debilitating chronic illness. After fifteen years struggling, I finally realized the root cause and healed myself 100% naturally on my own in one month. I had felt imprisoned by my illness and once I was healthy again I wanted to be free.

In 2011, I moved cross country with no job, no family, no close friends to start a brand new life in San Francisco based on a physical dream I had. An uplifting dream I had one night that inspired me to move. Friends thought I was brave (or crazy) for packing up and starting anew. For me it wasn’t bravery, just something I needed to do.

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No One Believed I Was Sick

For fifteen years, I battled with my illness. Every day was a struggle. Every minute was a struggle. I knew deep in my soul that something was seriously wrong with me. All of my life prior to my illness, I had been very healthy. I knew my body, but my doctors could not find anything wrong with me so they quickly labeled me as depressed and then after my persistence to try to find the root of my illness they labeled me a hypochondriac. I tried doctor after doctor and asked for test after test but no one believed me.

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