How To Balance Yourself (During The Coronavirus)


How To Balance Yourself (During The Coronavirus)

Hi Ladies!

These are difficult times with the Coronavirus, but there are always steps we can do to empower ourselves and bring us back to balance.

One way to raise our vibes, clear our minds, release stress, and fear is to meditate.

Meditation can be easy. It can be as simple as breathing deeply. Inhaling and exhaling longer for several minutes. Or if can be listening to music, putting on headphones and simply listening to music that makes you feel relaxed. (If you can close your eyes and focus on your third eye chakra (in the center of your forehead) while you sit cross legged, breathe deeply, and listen to music, even better!)

Meditation can be as simple as watching water boil in a pan, to be fully focused on the bubbles coming to the surface, and not to be multi-tasking. Meditation does not have to long; It can be for 2 to 5 minutes or it can be for 15 to 20 minutes, if you have more time.

We should always meditate when we feel out of balance. Many people have the misconception that one has to completely clear one’s mind for it to be useful or that it requires a lot of time, but as I mentioned it can be as simply as breathing deeper, listening to music with your eyes closed, or focusing on an object and not thinking about anything else but that one object.

If you prefer to use a mantra so that your mind does not wander, try using the mantra: So Hum. Inhale thinking So and exhale thinking Hum. Do this over and over for several minutes until your mind is calm and your breathing has slowed. So hum means “I am that I am”. It is about accepting ourselves and knowing that we are part of the whole. We are with everything and everyone. We may feel separate, but we are all connected. This also encourages us not to force action, but to simple be.

Take time to find your inner peace and remember we are all connected, we are all in this together. Taking time for self-care is not selfish. It allows us to feel balanced so that we can give to our loved ones. And isn’t that what the Coronavirus is about, to teach us to value our loved ones and to be more mindful, instead of always in a rush?


Relax; don’t strive and allow healing to take place. Breathe.

If you prefer a guided visualization, I am offering free live guided meditations every Friday at 6:30 PM Eastern time to help us to overcome fear, stress, and overwhelm with the Coronavirus. Join us live or catch the replays when you are free. Click here to join my private Facebook Group, Empowered Joyful Empaths. This group is open to anyone who is an empath, has great empathy for others; one does not need to be a mother or a woman. So please invite anyone who needs support at this time!

What is your favorite way to meditate? What is your favorite way to center and find your inner peace? Which one of these meditations will you try? Share with us below.

Wishing you all great health and peace at this time.

Much peace and comfort,
