Posts in parenting
Empower Yourself, Hire A Doula

It’s International Doula Month! This month we celebrate all the hardworking doulas around the world who assist mothers before birth, during birth, and postpartum. Through their love and attention, they help to improve the health of mothers and infants.

For my book about childbirth around the world, I interviewed Maria De Los Ángeles Chero, a well-known midwife in Lima, Peru. Maria was one of the first doulas in Lima. She is a pioneer in Peru helping women to have an empowered childbirth experience. Unfortunately, Lima, Peru is a place with a very high c-section rate. Some say the c-section rate in the city is 80 to 90%. Thankfully with Maria’s calming, empathic nature, she is able to assuage many women’s fears and help them to feel supported at this vulnerable time.

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Wearing Blue And Honoring You - World Autism Awareness Month

Today is World Autism Day. What does that mean? World Autism Day is one day each year to raise awareness to autism and to the rise of autism. In 2007, The United Nations designated April 2 to be World Autism Day.

According to an organization called Autism Speaks, international communities around the world light up buildings, landmarks and homes in blue and people wear something blue to show their love and support for people with autism. Throughout April is World Autism Awareness Month and many communities hold autism-friendly and educational activities to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism and provide events which are kinder and more inclusive, so that all children may be a part of them.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is typically suspected withing the first three of life, but it may be detected later. Most cases appear to be with boys, but girls can also have ASD. Autism Spectrum Disorder is specifically a wide range or “spectrum” of symptoms which may result in many disabilities. There is no known cause and there is no cure. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, some children may be characterized as low or high functioning. Medication may be given to some children. However, there is no single countermeasure to overcome autism. More and more mothers are looking for a more natural approach instead of medicating their children young and throughout their lives.

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How To Balance Yourself (During The Coronavirus)

Hi Ladies!

These are difficult times with the Coronavirus, but there are always steps we can do to empower ourselves and bring us back to balance.

One way to raise our vibes, clear our minds, release stress, and fear is to meditate.

Meditation can be easy. It can be as simple as breathing deeply. Inhaling and exhaling longer for several minutes. Or if can be listening to music, putting on headphones and simply listening to music that makes you feel relaxed. (If you can close your eyes and focus on your third eye chakra (in the center of your forehead) while you sit cross legged, breathe deeply, and listen to music, even better!)

Meditation can be as simple as watching water boil in a pan, to be fully focused on the bubbles coming to the surface, and not to be multi-tasking. Meditation does not have to long; It can be for 2 to 5 minutes or it can be for 15 to 20 minutes, if you have more time.

We should always meditate when we feel out of balance. Many people have the misconception that one has to completely clear one’s mind for it to be useful or that it requires a lot of time, but as I mentioned it can be as simply as breathing deeper, listening to music with your eyes closed, or focusing on an object and not thinking about anything else but that one object.

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Let's Create An Open Discussion on Childbirth

Hi Ladies!

Let’s have an open conversation on childbirth!

As I mentioned in my first blog post, this blog is intended to be a conversation about childbirth around the world. I will provide some research, advice and tips from the mothers and experts who I interviewed for my book about childbirth around the world, but most importantly, this blog is for you to engage with one another. I hope that new mothers will come here with their questions on preparing for childbirth and pregnancy and how to make the postpartum period smoother. I hope women around the world will share their experiences and tips too. With so many countries around the world, I am sure there will be differences and that will be a great way for us to learn from each other.

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