Posts tagged holistic healer
Do You Know About The Mamaverse?

A couple of months ago, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Tu-Hien Le. She had a regular health and wellness series on Instagram for moms, but recently switched to creating a podcast to reach a wider audience.

Now, she has created The Mamaverse. The Mamaverse is a podcast, vodcast, a blog, and a health and wellness app for moms. The Mamaverse is a community to support moms.

Tu-Hien's mission is to make mamas feel valued and appreciated through a fun online community experience that fosters compassion and collaboration.

I am happy to say that I am a guest on The Mamaverse Podcast. Listen to episode 3 about how to heal chronic health conditions.

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Helping Women Without Diagnoses To Get The Help They Need

It’s been about ten years since I overcame my debilitating, chronic illness. My illness was misdiagnosed for fifteen, long years. During the prime of my life, my life stalled. Some of the best doctors in Connecticut and New York City screened me, but only one doctor was able to properly diagnose me. Sadly, this happens more often than people realize.

Before I became sick, I trusted my doctors completely. But to be honest, I rarely got sick in school or college, so doctors only saw me for my annual physical. However, my life completely changed when I chose to do my Junior Year Abroad in London, England and developed a fever, diagnosed as being from the flu, and did not regain my health until fifteen years later.

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My First Australian Podcast!

I was interviewed on Amberlee Jayde’s fabulous Australian podcast, Digital Village. We had great chat! Amberlee interviewed for my book about holistic childbirth around the world. Her transformation is amazing! I look forward to sharing her childbirth stories in my new book series, but until then, listen to our interview.

In this episode, you will learn:

· About my new book that will transform how you see and experience childbirth,

· My mission is to empower every woman around the world in regards to their health and wellness,

· My personal health journey overcoming my debilitating chronic illness,

· How & why I became a holistic healer,

· Universal health issues,

· The importance of healing and how every woman who heals herself, heals all the women who came

before her and heals all the women who came after her,

· We rise as women by uplifting one another,

· The definition of an empath and what one can do to protect oneself from taking on others energy,

· How law of attraction attracts circumstances/ events that surpass our expectations,

· And the importance of a healthy and functioning liver.

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PTSD is Affecting More Mothers Than You Realize

It is PTSD Awareness Month. Did you know that PTSD can happen in childbirth? Did you know that it can happen during pregnancy? Did you know that it can be caused by a traumatic childbirth? Many people assume that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) only happens in war or from abuse or a terrible, violent accident, but post-traumatic stress disorder can occur whenever there is a traumatic situation that has not been resolved such as a traumatic childbirth. Yes, that’s correct; many women, nowadays, are having traumatic birth experiences which are resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder or are triggering previous trauma they already had. This is a topic that is not discussed very often. Most people assume that childbirth is a happy memory and therefore, women with traumatic birth experiences are often keeping their experiences silent. But even if they are not consulting with a therapist, these memories are still stored in the body and can affect their lives and future birth experiences, as well as, their relationship with their child.

Trauma is an experience that most people do not understand. Many people think they can simply think themselves into a happier state. Mind over matter. They believe they can avoid thinking of unpleasant experiences and then the experiences will not live in their minds. But trauma is deeper than this. One cannot think oneself out of trauma by being more positive. One cannot heal trauma by avoiding it and suppressing emotions. Trauma must be healed; otherwise, it will continue to bleed into other areas of our lives.

Reoccurring negative patterns/cycles may surface and even chronic illness can develop, showing clearly, that the body has not healed from the ordeal. People may experience triggers. Memories may return causing visceral reactions: they may have intense emotions or physical sensations. People may have nightmares or try to avoid certain places or locations such as where the trauma happened or any place that reminds them of the location where it happened. For instance, if a woman had a traumatic birth experience, she may never wish to return to the same hospital again. Even if she needed emergency care for something not related to childbirth, she may request to go to another hospital. She may break out in a sweat, hives, become agitated, and feel nauseous thinking about going back to the same hospital.

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What Does It Mean To Hold Space?

If you have ever had a therapy session, you probably know the term “holding space.” I remember when I first heard the term in 2012, when I lived in San Francisco. I had to ask my friend, “What does that mean to hold space?” And she told me.

I think holding space is a term that is becoming more popular today. More and more people are using it in their conversations. Still you might not be 100% sure you understand what it means.

I believe this is a very important concept, so let’s discuss it. Holding space means that when someone is speaking, you are present; you are listening; you are engaged in the conversation without judgment or criticism; you are providing the time and space for them to express themselves completely, to be heard.

There is great power in holding space and it is very healing for the other person. But in today’s busy world, often times it is only with a therapist or a healer that this happens. Holding space requires empathy and compassion and a calm composure. When someone is truly listened to, they become empowered. They feel heard. They feel free in their expression. They can cry, laugh, show frustration or sadness. They do not feel that have to present themselves a certain way. They just need to be truthful to themselves. This is so freeing.

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