Posts tagged releasing shame
What Does It Mean To Hold Space?

If you have ever had a therapy session, you probably know the term “holding space.” I remember when I first heard the term in 2012, when I lived in San Francisco. I had to ask my friend, “What does that mean to hold space?” And she told me.

I think holding space is a term that is becoming more popular today. More and more people are using it in their conversations. Still you might not be 100% sure you understand what it means.

I believe this is a very important concept, so let’s discuss it. Holding space means that when someone is speaking, you are present; you are listening; you are engaged in the conversation without judgment or criticism; you are providing the time and space for them to express themselves completely, to be heard.

There is great power in holding space and it is very healing for the other person. But in today’s busy world, often times it is only with a therapist or a healer that this happens. Holding space requires empathy and compassion and a calm composure. When someone is truly listened to, they become empowered. They feel heard. They feel free in their expression. They can cry, laugh, show frustration or sadness. They do not feel that have to present themselves a certain way. They just need to be truthful to themselves. This is so freeing.

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